
Ciprian Balea

Scrum Master & Senior QA Automation Engineer

I’m a test instructor and senior software tester, fitness enthusiast, snowboarder, hiker, certified scuba diver.

In more than a decade of professional software testing, I’ve worked on all kinds of projects and automated them all: desktop, web, mobile, small to enterprise level apps.

A couple of years ago I decided I had enough of the 9-5 office life and quit my job. Since then I’m having a blast working remotely with some of the best engineers on the planet, while traveling the world. I’m also involved in various volunteer projects as well.

I speak publicly almost every week, usually in front of dozens, a few times per year to hundreds of people and once even to a crowd of 3000.

My Sessions

Rebooting your career and your life

Pavilion Room

After spending too many years in glass buildings looking at the world through a 15 inch display, getting promoted and being an exemplary employee, but not really enjoying it, I decided I had enough of the office life. My turning point was a Google search for “remote software testing jobs”. Two weeks later I quit […]

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